Bind 9.1.2 man pages

Jim Reid jim at
Wed May 9 08:22:14 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Ben" == firstleft  <firstleft at> writes:

    Ben> The man pages are currently not installed automatically by
    Ben> "make install"

    Ben> I'd like to have those man pages installed (hopefully they'll
    Ben> provide some insight on the rndc.conf file, so I can figure
    Ben> out why I get 'rndc: connect: connection refused')

Consult the bind9-users list archives about both topics. You're
getting "connection refused" errors because there's nothing for rndc
to connect to. This means you haven't configured the name server to
create a control socket. It doesn't create one by default: it'll only
do that if it's told to do so. You should also read the BIND9
Administrator's Reference Manual. It's in doc/arm.

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