Updating secondary NS

Bill Larson wllarso at swcp.com
Mon May 7 15:41:26 UTC 2001

> We are running a primary and secondary nameserver with bind 8.2.3. Is there 
> a possibilty that the secondary "learns" new zones when they are inserted 
> in the config of the primary? Without having to change that config also. In 
> the moment we edit both files and then restart the servers, but when you 
> have to do this 10 times a day it becomes very annoying.

No such possiblity exists at the present time.  If you have to do this
ten times a day, as you claim, then something is wrong.  Wrong, not
with DNS and BIND, but in how you are doing your job.

Write a script to manage your named.conf files on both your master and
slave and then use rcp/scp/ftp to move these files to the servers.

You are working to hard.  Performing repeative tasks is the purpose of

Bill Larson

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