Prioritising replys

Russell Foster rf at
Fri May 4 14:12:56 UTC 2001

Hi All,	
	Can any of you tell me if the following is possible. I have a
requirement to load balance 2 outgoing mail servers. At the moment I have		IN	A
			IN	A

and this work fine with both getting equal mail. However what would be
nice is if I could get to handle more of the requests due to
it being a bigger box. I know that I can't actually say one has a higher
priority in the zone file (like MX records) but is their a way of getting
bind to favour one over the other so that for say every 2/3 request it
answers .1 I am aware that should .1 die then there will be issues but I
can get round that myself...



Russell Foster					
EMEA IT Unix Systems Administrator
Art Technology Group (

"Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas"
	- Ace Rimmer Red Dwarf Season VII Episode II

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