Reporting procedure for problems/bugs

Alecio Maduro alecio at
Fri May 4 14:04:10 UTC 2001


On April 1st, I downloaded version 9.1.1 of Bind and compiled/tested the 
This I did on a Data General system running dg/ux for INTEL.
Apart from having to edit all relevant Makefiles to add the switch -lsocket 
for the LIBS, it all compiled some with warnings, but I was able to create 
the executables.
As I was having major problems with mail etc. it never went into production 
as I wanted to submit it to a thorough test cycle to feel at ease once 
As at the same time I subscribed to this mailing list, I was seeing that 
the product had some bug and missing some version 8 features.
I also wanted to get the latest book on Bind from O'Reilly (4th edition) 
before taking the step.
Seeing that Bind-9.1.2rc1 was available and was taking care of some bugs, I 
decided to get this one.
problem now is that not everything will compile like test, check and nsupdate.
I have these 2 questions:
-       How can I have the configure add the -lsocket to the LIBS
-       How can I get some help to get this new version totally compiled 
and running.
What would I need to report these problems ? e.g. config.log etc ?


Alecio Maduro
Dr. M.J. Hugenlotzweg 40
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles
Tel: 599-9-461-1195/599-9-461-1568
Fax: 599-9-461-4303
e-mail address: amaduro at / alecio at

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