how do I set up a reverse zone for a /19 block

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Wed May 16 19:35:15 UTC 2001

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 02:35:38PM -0400, Eulogio Robles P. wrote:
> I have a block of 32 class C addresses. I want to set up the reverse zones
> in one internal DNS server, and put a single zone in the "public" DNS, with
> the glue records to each zone.
> How can I do this? I mean, how do I set up a single zone that represents the
> whole /19 block, and delegate each subzone to a second DNS server?
> I put a zone and a 19/ zone but
> it did not work.

What do YOU have already delegated to YOU?  I suspect that you have 32
reverse-DNS zones delegated to you.  Or none.  You cannot re-delegate.
You can have the parent /16-network reverse-DNS zone delegate to the
different servers, or you can use the RFC 2317 cleverhack 32 times.
Fortunately, you have $GENERATE in late BIND 8, and I think it's now
back in BIND 9.

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
OSIS Center Computer Support					EMT-B
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