wrting to BIND from Winnt application

Erez Avraham ereza at meetu.com
Sun May 13 12:48:29 UTC 2001

Greetings all

i'm lokking for a way to write records to bind (any version, any
flavor) from winnt.

our company is developing a colaboration server that  uses DNS (winnt
mainly). for each user registerd we write a CNAME record on the DNS,
now i'm doing it on winnt DNS using dnccmd.exe.
i prefer Linux and bind,so i wan't to know if there is a way to do it
from winnt to bind, i will send Bind the canonical name and the host
to redirect it to, it can be 'A' record as well .
i know there is a Porting of bind to winnt, but i can't use it, since
i'm deploying this server at my users sites, and some of them
are using bind :)
i did a little digging and found that i can use nsupdate.exe from the
Winnt porting of bind, but as far as i understood i can't give it the
IP of a remote DNS and thr RRs to update, do i?


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