Handling unknown record types(AAAA) by BIND.

milton at calnek.com milton at calnek.com
Mon Mar 26 23:27:13 UTC 2001

I can only give you my experience with MX records...
when you lookup an MX record and it does not exist, you get only the soa
as a result.  Probably the last thing nslookup had before it gave up
trying to find the info.

In message <Pine.LNX.4.21.0103261448140.25978-100000 at linux.rogocz.com>, Pawel Rogocz writes:
> Hello,
> could somebody point me to an authoritative source of what should be the
> behavior of a name server, when it gets a query for a record in a zone
> it is authoritative for, but the data type is unknown. To be more
> specific, what kind of answer should you expect sending a query of type
> AAAA, to a server which is not configured with any AAAA type data, but it
> has some other, let's say CNAME or NS data for the record you are quering
> for. An RFC number would be great.
> thanks,
> Pawel
> -- 

Milton Calnek
milton at calnek.com
TTI: +1 403 870 8479 milton at tti-telecom.com


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