2nd primary dns server not working?

Len Conrad LConrad at Go2France.com
Fri Mar 9 18:22:02 UTC 2001

>I have both a primary and secondary dns servers on separate boxes, opn
>separate networks.  If I shut my primary name server down, queries
>still go to the primary and don't get responded to.

hmm, were you expecting something else from a down NS?  :)))

>How long after I shut down the primary, do queries start going to

50% of queries should go to each authoritative NS by default, since 
neither one is primary or seccondary to the outside world.

Your secondary isn't seeing any queries, independent of the whether 
the primary is up or not?

A resolver trying a dead NS should time out and then try the other 
NS(s) until it finds one that's working.


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