NOTIFY Problems

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Mar 9 00:41:42 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Bill" == Smith, William E (Bill), <Bill.Smith at> writes:

    Bill> My primary running Lucent's QIP DNS Server(8.2.2 P7
    Bill> equivalent) and is primary for several zones. I have 3
    Bill> secondaries running BIND 8.2.2(Getting ready to upgrade to
    Bill> 8.2.3).  I have notify configured for each zone on my
    Bill> primary.

    Bill> For some reason, Notify doesn't seem to be working properly
    Bill> with some forward zoneson one of my secondaries while the
    Bill> other two seem to get the updates relatively quickly.  The
    Bill> one that doesn't seem to be working only seems to transfer
    Bill> according to the refresh time and is an hour behind
    Bill> timestamp wise on some of the zones than my other two
    Bill> secondaries.  How can I begin to troubleshoot this one?

Turn up the debugging and use tcpdump to sniff for notify traffic.

IIRC there was a problem prior to 8.2.2P? with NOTIFY on a parent zone
when one of its child zones was removed. See change 916 in the 8.2.3

    Bill> Also, none of my secondaries are logging any messages
    Bill> regarding the notifies.  Is this normal? If not, is there a
    Bill> way to have it start logging?

They should be logging. If not, there are several explanations. Your
servers don't log NOTIFY messages or they're logged somewhere other
than where you're looking for them or the master server isn't sending
NOTIFYs or the slave servers are checking the wrong server.

Why didn't you ask your vendor for help?

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