Automatic Secondary NS

Chris Buxton cbuxton at
Thu Jun 7 00:17:15 UTC 2001

There are such tools available. However, they tend to cost money.

[warning: sales pitch ahead]

I normally wouldn't make such a blatant commercial pitch, but it does 
directly address the question. If you're interested in a commercial 
solution, we make one, called QuickDNS. When using QuickDNS to manage 
your servers, when you create a zone, master and slave servers are 
all configured automatically. When you save a change to a zone, it is 
immediately reloaded on both master and slave servers, without going 
through a whole restart sequence.

If you're interested in more details, please see the website 
referenced in my signature.

Chris Buxton <cbuxton at>

Men & Mice <> offers:
  - DNS training, including Active Directory
  - QuickDNS, a DNS management system for servers on Linux & Mac OS
    (Solaris support coming soon!)
  - DNS Expert, a DNS analysis and troubleshooting utility

At 12:48 PM -0400 6/5/01, Todd Snyder wrote:
>in that case, are there any tools that will make the changes?
>Once I finish my current project, I'm going to start writing something (been
>on my todo list for a while) .. but if theres something out there, or if
>someone has a script they've already written...
>I plan on using expect a bunch, unless someone else can beat me over the
>head with something else (please!  I hate expect).
>It's a fairly obvious kind of thing - working at an ISP, whenever add a
>domain, we have to update the secondary.  It would be much nicer if there
>was one tool that would update both for provisioning.

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