`@ A' RR in many zones, new IP

Chris Buxton cbuxton at menandmice.com
Mon Jul 23 23:21:22 UTC 2001

>It seems to me that the best option would be writing a short script to
>go through all the zone files, replacing whatever old IP is found with
>the corresponding new one, then update the SOA serial if neccessary.
>How would you solve this problem? Any and all suggestions are very
>much welcome!

I would solve the problem very simply:

Step 1: Copy the files over the network to my Mac.
Step 2: Use BBEdit's multifile find & replace function. No manual 
opening of files, making changes, saving files, and closing files - 
it's all automatic.
Step 3: Copy the files back over the network.

I've been looking for something as cool as BBEdit for Linux, and it 
just doesn't seem to be there. The closest is Emacs, which was 
clearly part of the inspiration for BBEdit but seems to be 
significantly harder to use.

Chris Buxton <cbuxton at menandmice.com>

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  - DNS training, including Active Directory
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