Duties of a DNS admin.

Duane Powers duane at uberLAN.net
Sat Jul 14 06:23:22 UTC 2001

Robert L. Yelvington wrote:

> I second Mr. Knowles request for a summary...I'd be in interested to know.
> Kind regards,
> ~Rob
> on 7/11/01 12:17 PM, Brad Knowles at brad.knowles at skynet.be wrote:
>>At 11:08 AM -0700 7/11/01, Duane Powers wrote:
>>>To all who replied, thanks much for your time and assistance.
>>Do you care to summarize the responses you got, so that we can
>>get an idea of what the consensus is amongst some people from this

Sorry for the delay. I was traveling from Texas back to CA, so I didn't 
get to check my mail rapidly enough.

I basically only received a few responses, the majority of which 
indicated that the dns administrators job is much more unix based, and 
not so much the data entry - here's a quote:
"We take care of all functions of our DNS environment, boxes, zones,
registrations, everything.....Anyone can sit there and do data entry, 
that is the easy part of DNS administration."

I got a link to check  - which i haven't done yet


provided by G. Roderick Singleton, and I got a pretty good email about 
being a dns/sendmail admin from which I'll quote:
"DNS and Sendmail are not rocket science applications, but both are 
mission critical. The discussion you are having with your  counter part, 
is one that goes on with-in all IT departments.  I believe its the duty 
of the department to set standards that one or more people have the 
flexibility to do it all.

That way it (hopefully) gets done right.
jda "

This would definitely seem to be a thread that could use more input, 
from some of the more experienced admnins on the list (more than me, 
that is) as there is some pretty obvious interest on the topic. I've 
received three requests to forward the information received to others.

Again, thanks.


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