Does "@" in CNAME record not work?

Cricket Liu cricket at
Fri Jul 13 15:40:35 UTC 2001

> Then, as I read the book, I ran across the section that I cited above,
> which I took (and which I guess I still take) to imply that, in a
> "correct" DBxxx.. file, you should TRY to avoid having names with the
> same IP address.  I've read those two paragraphs (bottom of pg. 64, top
> of pg. 65) over several times, and I THINK that's what it's trying to
> say?

No, it's really not.  It just explains the impact of using a CNAME record
versus an A record vis a vis canonicalization.  You're reading too much
into it.

Besides, as I explained earlier, even if you were trying to follow the
spirit of the book, you'd want to canonicalize
to, and that would lead you to add    IN    CNAME

not vice versa.


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