Creating Forward and Reverse lookups

Will Yardley william at
Fri Jul 6 22:28:55 UTC 2001

> In general, for "serious newbie"s, I'd recommend obtaining a copy of the
> O'Reilly _DNS_and_BIND_ book (currently in Fourth Edition). There's a
> fairly steep learning curve here, and the O'Reilly book is widely
> considered "the bible" on the subject.
> - Kevin

i think the craig hunt book might be a better choice for a 'serious
newbie' - since it's targeted towards linux specifically (although it
applies to other platforms too) and doesn't have much / any info on bind
4 it's a bit simpler.  i have both, and refer to both, but i would
recommend reading the craig hunt book first for someone with not too
much knowledge.  the o'reilly book is a bit more comprehensive (which is
why it's "the bible")...


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