problem: pointing root hints to forwarder only delivers forwarder s root file

Van Bemmel, Berend VanBemmel.Berend at
Thu Jul 5 14:36:57 UTC 2001

Hi All,

I have a problem with a test Bind setup. What I have is an internal domain
tree that works as a fully delegated tree, with DNS servers all around
serving their child domains. All this is an internal namespace. To resolve
internet names there is a Bind 9.1.2 installed on one of our DMZ's that runs
in forwarding only mode, which I call the 'Gateway DNS'. Further, on the
internal DNS servers I cant really configure forwarders, since that would
stop the internal namespace delegation from working. Hence I have created my
own root hints file, with one entry in it, pointing to the gateway DNS

In theory this should work, actually it also works in practice, as our
production environment uses the same scheme but there the gateway has some
DNS caching only forwarding firewall type thingy running, which for some
reason we can't keep on using forever, that's why I am testing now with Bind
9.1.2 on a DMZ segment. 

Anyways, what happens is that my internal Bind 8.2.3 when confronted with a
query for something outside my internal domain it forwards it to the gateway
DNS on the DMZ, but surprisingly it gets an answer in the form of the root
file being used on the gateway server (which is of course the Internet root
file)  instead of the right answer. I don't understand this since it is in
forwarding only mode, and should resolve the query recursively for my
internal DNS - if I understand correctly. If I query the gateway server
directly with dig, both recursive as well as non-recursive queries get the
propper response. 

What could be the problem here, why do I get answered with the root file of
the gateway DNS when quering for Internet DNS to my internal DNS in this

For clarity I'll include the configs below, any help will be greatly



---- options in named.conf on gateway DNS, installed on a DMZ, able to do
resolve Internet:

options {
	directory "/var/named";
	query-source address * port 53;
	auth-nxdomain yes;
	forward only;
	forwarders { x.x.x.x; y.y.y.y; };
	allow-query { any; };
	allow-recursion { any; };

--- named.conf on internal DNS

options {
	directory "/prog/named";
	notify yes;	
	named-xfer "/usr/local/sbin/named-xfer";
	check-names master ignore;
	check-names slave ignore;
	check-names response ignore;
	query-source address * port 53;
	pid-file "/usr/local/etc/";
	min-roots 1;

zone "." in { 
         type hint;
         file "db.cache";

Rest of zones deleted... they are there however ;-)

-- db.cache on internal DNS:
; Root hints point to DNS machine on special segment conencted to Internet
.                      3600000  IN NS    3600000      A

Berend W. van Bemmel
gsm       +31 (0)65 352 8972
SMTP    vanbemmel.berend at
> X.400     c=NL;a=CONCERT;p=KPMG;s=vanbemmel;g=berend

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