Use of <akadns>

Derek J. Balling dredd at
Wed Jan 31 17:51:09 UTC 2001

At 5:30 PM +0100 1/31/01, Christophe Deleuze wrote:

>I don't know how they precisely setup their DNS-based system, and I don't
>think they would kindly provide this information :)

I suspect anyone who DOES know how they set it up (a set to which I am not
a member) is covered by an NDA forbidding them from explaining it. After
all, it IS their niche, and something they're damn good at. :)

| dredd at  | "Conan! What is best in life?"          |
|  Derek J. Balling   | "To crush your enemies, see them        |
|                     |    driven before you, and to hear the   |
|                     |    lamentation of their women!"         |

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