Do I need Zone files for Translated addresses?

Matthew Thompson matthewt at
Thu Jan 11 14:33:09 UTC 2001

IT depends what your are running on the network. IF your operating system or
other applications need DNS to work with machines on the same subnet then
you will need to set up a DNS zone (myzone.internal perhaps) for the NATed
addresses and populate it with the NAT addresses.

By setting it to be a master zone and using a top level domain that isn't
contained within the roor servers your DNS server should provide the NAT
addresses internally and never be asked for one externally.

IF you can't use the fake domain approach you will need to use a split DNS
with the "Internal" dns server serving the NAT addresses and using the
"External" server for exerything else.

As the external server knows nothing about hte NAT addresses they will never
get out onto the Internet. We use this setup here and it runs fine.

M at t :o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Donovan [mailto:jdonovan at]
Sent: 11 January 2001 14:15
To: bind-users at
Subject: Do I need Zone files for Translated addresses?


Do I need to setup zone files for Translated Addresses ( NAT ).

topology looks something like this:

(net)-----------{	router		}
		|	|	|	|
		|	|	|	|
		Net A	NetB	NetC	NetD

Net A holds primary DNS for the whole domain and has real addresses
Net B Has real addresses and a Zone file in DNS
Net C Has real addresses and a Zone file in DNS
Net D Has some real addresses translated to fakes.

Should I create a zone file for these fake addresses?

Suggestions on DNS support for these Fake addresses would be helpful.


Jeff Donovan                    Network Analyst
Bethlehem Area School District  Information & Communication Technologies
Bethlehem, PA  18020            (610) 807-5571  jdonovan at

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