Views and secondary propagation

Will Hargrave will at
Fri Feb 23 11:45:20 UTC 2001


Currently upgrading our DNS setup from a mixture of 4.x and 8.x to 9.1.rc2

Network architecture is roughly this:

  |     ___|___        ___|___
  |     | DNS0 |       | DNS1 |
  |     ~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~
  |     123.1.1         123.1.2
| NAT Firewall |
|    Box       |
Client machines + servers

The DNS servers are all given legal internet addresses, and client
machines and workstation servers are all on a 192.168 subnet.

The DNS servers both need to act as servers for the internal Windows
boxes, and NS for our domain and external services.

So basically I need Views, which seems fairly straightforward.

_However_, how do I get both the internal and the external views on the
primary (i.e. DNS0) to propagate to the secondary (DNS1)?

My only thoughts are to assign DNS1 two IP addresses, and use
transfer-source to make it work. Is this the best way to do this? Seems a
bit of a kludge.

Will Hargrave            <will at>

vox 44 7968 066314      fax 44 7970 939903

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