Forwarding nullifies delegation (again) Bind 9.1

Rob.Burns at Rob.Burns at
Wed Feb 21 16:53:35 UTC 2001


I have looked through the archives but cannot find a definitive answer to this

I have a name server running Bind 9.1 on Solaris 7 which is a slave to another
name server for a particular zone. This other server delegates child zones of
this zone to yet other name servers.

I can resolve hosts in these child zones with no problems. But when I specify
global forwarding in the 'options' statement (which works fine) the child zone
resolution no longer works.

I have put null forwarders in my definition of this zone and I thought that was
all that was required for me to resolve host names in the child zones. Is there
someting else I need to do and if so why?

There are no errors in the message file.

My named.conf looks something like this:

options {
     directory "/var/named";
     auth-nxdomain yes;
     forward first;
     forwarders {; };
zone "" {
     type slave;
     file "db.atsap";
     masters {; };

Excuse the changed names etc; company policy requirement.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Rob.

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