Creating our own top-level domain

Jon Booth jon at
Tue Dec 11 00:32:32 UTC 2001

A few people have attempted this and actually tried to sell the domains so
yes its possible but as you said people have to add your servers to
their lookup software.
One obvious danger is the uniqueness of your top level domain. At least
two parties have tried to start up a .usa top level domain which would
result in obvious problems if someone tried to support both.


On 10 Dec 2001, Arnout Engelen wrote:

> Hello,
> We (some CS students) had a cool idea this evening: we could start our
> own top-level domain. Of course, it would only work for people who
> included the nameserver we're going to set up as 'secondary
> nameserver' or so, but it'd be neat to have.
> my question is: is this even possible (it seems to us...)? Will BIND
> be a good choice? What are the problems we're going to run into?
> What are the most important pieces of documentation we should read,
> apart from the obvious HOWTO's?
> Your input would be greatly appreciated,
> Arnout

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