Starting named on bootup

Simon Waters Simon at
Tue Aug 14 00:00:08 UTC 2001

John Lyons wrote:
> Is it just me or is there very little documentation on how to get named to
> start on bootup?

It's just you *8-)

Whilst the source code distro doesn't have a generic UNIX
startup scripts, most rpm (and other Linux package
distributions) do have such a script.

BIND 9 also has a PERL script in the contrib section of
the source tar ball, which is perhaps a better method if BIND is
at all unstable (Not that I've seen 9 crash once it's going, but
I guess I've been lucky so far).

Drop me a line of list if you need a bigger clue... Or try a
local Linux User Group - if your Southwest of Bristol I'll
probably answer that query as well *8-)

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