Forwarders being ignored

Robert Lamothe rll at
Fri Aug 10 20:00:52 UTC 2001

	Recently I've been seeing some odd traffic from my DNS servers.  
We are running a split/split DNS system and my internal DNS server consider
themselves to be root and authoritative for my domain.  I've setup forwarders
to some external DNS servers I have with:

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        forwarders {
                A.B.C.D; // Sanatized for security reasons

My cache file lookes like:

;       last update:    Jan 21, 1995

.       99999999        IN      NS    99999999        IN      A       A.B.C.F ; Sanatized

	Occasionaly I see my internal DNS servers sending queries directly
to nameservers rather than through the forwarders.  I've looked over my
configuration and everything looks kosher, I can't even begin to understand
how my internal servers are getting the information to even send the query.

	Can someone explain to me how what I'm seeing is possible and what 
I might do to correct it?

* Robert L. Lamothe 	      | Manager, Unix Technical Services 	      *
* (978)256-1143		      | Mercury Computer, Chelmsford MA.	      *
* rll at                  |                                               *
* URL:|  I plan to live forever.  So far so good.     *

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