Multiple hostnames on single ip-address

mark Mullai mmullai at
Wed Apr 25 16:00:08 UTC 2001

 Set all the web sites point to one IP address in DNS 

Then add a host header for each web site with the same IP address

This can be done while creating the site

Or for existing one use the Advanced and then edit

add the

each of this entry will be pointed to their own directory.


  Steffen Tang <steffen at> wrote: 

I am very new to DNS and Bind in perticular so please bare with me if my
question sounds a bit weird.

My problem is that we currently are hosting about 20 websites for some
customers, which is possible bescause we have 255 ip-addresses. The
solution has been a IIS on NT4, with each site having its own ip-address
which is defined in our DNS.
The problem is that we are changing ISP, and now only have 16
ip-addresses, so my question is therefore if it is possible to avoid
using a ip-address for each site. I have heard something about virtual
hosting on the Apache server, and the problem is therefore how we should
configure our DNS (we are planning to use BIND).

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like me to elaborate.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Steffen Tang

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