Generic Zone File??

Bill Larson wllarso at
Fri Apr 20 20:33:43 UTC 2001

> Really,  how much did you pay for your copy of bind?

Approximately ten years of working with operating DNS services for some
reasonably large organizations.  Also, three copies of the DNS & BIND
book - thank you Cricket, an I'm waiting for the new addition.

Further investments into DNS operations include copies of other books,
such as DNS On Windows-NT, Essential System Administration - which has
a small section on DNS, Richard Stevens' Unix Network Programming,

I should also not forget other books that are only related peripherally
to DNS and BIND, but are essential to my ability to perform work in a
Unix environment.  These include books on Perl programming, shell
scripting, C programming, etc.  This is to say nothing of simple Unix
system admingistration references.

Additional resources invested into DNS operations includes the support
of my employeers that provide with Internet access and have a need for
providing secure DNS services.  They believe that DNS operations are
important enough to require sending me to training classes and
technical symposiums dealing with computers, networking, and system

Also, there are my computers at home along with my Internet
connectivity at home and my account with my ISP.

In fact, my actual investment in DNS and BIND would most likely be
considered very minimal compared to other people that respond to
questions on this list.  Some reason, I can't imagine asking Paul
Vixie about HIS investment in DNS.

Consider my investment as "sweat equity".

Bill Larson

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