URL Forwarding

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Thu Apr 5 20:23:24 UTC 2001

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 08:03:46AM -0700, Fritsch Jonathan D CONT PSNS wrote:
>   What do I need to modify so that if a user tries to go to
> www.microsoft.com or the ipaddress of microsoft.com, DNS will automatically
> forward them to my internal web server.

I assume that you are only talking about people in your private
internet, because otherwise this will never work.

For the first, you would have to have your internal Web server declare
itself authoritative for "www.microsoft.com", and then deliver the IP
address of your internal Web server.  You would have to compel everyone
to use your internal DNS server, so it would have to be on the firewall
or somehow you have to disallow anyone else from querying the firewall
for DNS.

For the second, you would have to give your internal Web server all of
the IP addresses to which www.microsoft.com is translated, and have
your internal routers router there.

Name:    www.microsoft.akadns.net
Aliases:  www.microsoft.com

Hmmm.  I'd thought there were a lot more.  Oh, well.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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