Failing to start named with BIND 9.1.1

Alecio Maduro alecio at
Wed Apr 4 09:47:33 UTC 2001


I just upgraded from BIND 4.9.7 to BIND 9.1.1.
In order to test that everything was ok, I first made the changes to the 
secondary DNS servers and tested this out by killing the Primary DNS Server 
and everything seems ok. The only message received so far on the secondary 
server has been "named[18647]:<3.3> client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX #137: no 
matching view in class 'CLASS256' ".
Btw. what does this message mean ?
However when I went ahead and try to start using BIND 9.1.1 I was unable to 
start this up.
The problems are the following:
Apr  4 05:05:01 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.5> starting BIND 9.1.1
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.4> the default for the 
'auth-nxdomain' option is now 'no'
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating TCP socket: not 
enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating TCP socket: not 
enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> could not listen on UDP 
socket: not enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> could not listen on UDP 
socket: not enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface loop36 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface loop36 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> could not listen on UDP 
socket: not enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> could not listen on UDP 
socket: not enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface loop35 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface loop35 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface loop0 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface loop0 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> could not listen on UDP 
socket: not enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> could not listen on UDP 
socket: not enough free resources
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface dpen0 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.3> creating IPv4 interface dpen0 
failed; interface ignored
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.2> couldn't open pid file 
'/var/run/': Too many open files
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.2> couldn't open pid file 
'/var/run/': Too many open files
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.2> exiting (due to early fatal error)
Apr  4 05:05:02 DNS_Server named[8029]:<3.2> exiting (due to early fatal error)

The configuration is as follows:
The Primary DNS Server is also a WEB Server which uses virtual IP numbers 
for the different WEB Sites.
These are the loop0 to loop36.
dpen0 is the ethernet interface.
I checked in the DNS and BIND 3rd edition, which covers Bind 8 but found no 
reference to this specific error.
I had to go back to my BIND 4.9.7 for the primary DNS and kept my 
secondaries at the latest rev (9.1.1).
What can I do to remedy this?
Thanks in advance.



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