8.2.2 -> 9.1.0 upgrade problems...

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Tue Apr 3 15:30:28 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Christopher" == Christopher L Barnard <cbar44 at tsg.cbot.com> writes:

    Christopher> I prefer to fight one fire at a time.  Once I get
    Christopher> 9.1.0 working, then I will start looking at 9.1.1.
    Christopher> As I understand it, the move from 9.1.0 to 9.1.1 is
    Christopher> just adding features that I don't use anyway.

Your understanding is wrong. 9.1.1 fixes some serious bugs in 9.1.0.
[Read the CHANGES file.] When you get bitten by those bugs, you'll
need to install 9.1.1 anyway. So you might as well do that now. Of
course if you really want to make needless work for yourself, you
could start by installing 9.0.0 and then upgrading to every subsequent
release (candidate) since. Some fires are just not worth fighting and
installing BIND9.1.0 is one of them.

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