Limited no. of zone files?

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Sep 21 07:50:01 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Lampo <Marc_Lampo at> writes:

    Marc> you should check the general options (I don't have it nereby
    Marc> myself).  If I remember well Bind 8.2.2 has means to control
    Marc> the number of simultaneous zone transferts.

True, but irrelevant. The number of simultaneous zone transfers has no
bearing on the number of zone{} statements in named.conf that the name
server can load.

    Marc> Perhaps, by limiting the number of simultaneous
    Marc> transferts, you can keep the server process up.

Unlikely. It could be that NT has a problem with named forking too
many named-xfer processes.

    >> I have experienced some problems after configuring this server:
    >> It seems like it cannot handle more than about 1000
    >> zonefiles. I've tried to comment out random zone files in
    >> named.conf to eliminate. As long as no. of zonefiles loaded are
    >> below 1000 everything is running smoothly.

This has to be a local configuration problem, perhaps with the
OS. Maybe the name server is asking for more of some resource - RAM,
file descriptors, etc - than the OS permits? I know of plenty of sites
running 8.2.2P5 with tens of thousands of zone{} statements in
named.conf. The servers run just fine. However they run on UNIX.

    >> I've another problem as well: The service goes down after every
    >> reload of the named.conf

What is in the logs? It looks as though your name server is running
into some OS resource limits. For instance it asks the OS for more
memory to allocate another zoneinfo structure and load some zone.
The OS refuses the request and the name server croaks because it can't
get enough memory to do what it was told to do by named.conf.

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