Bind on NT

Danny Mayer mayer at
Wed Oct 25 02:50:30 UTC 2000

	Have you looked at

 which has some basics on upgrading.  If I remember correctly, that version
 used InstallShield as its installer so it should have an uninstall in the
menu.  If not
 you need to go to the control panel, find the name of the service, stop
and then disable
 it and then go to the registry and delete the registry entries.  I did see
a tool (from
 Microsoft I think that did a delsrv which sould accomplish the same thing).

	I do recommend upgrading to the 8.2.3-T6B-NT2 version that I made available
  on the above-mentioned site in the download directory.  It's far more
reliable and
  stable than the 8.2.2-P5, even though it's still in Beta.


At 09:39 AM 10/24/00 +0300, muheeb wrote:
>Hello all,
>Bind 4.9.5
>NT 4 with SP 4
>I am planning to upgrade Bind to Bind 8.2.2 p5. How do I uninstall the
previous version 4.9.5!
>I've searched the archive and have seen that many people have asked the
same question but with no reply or answer.
>Any ideas would be appreciated.

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