microsoft claims

Igmar Palsenberg maillist at
Fri Oct 20 16:21:49 UTC 2000

On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Joe Gainey wrote:

> Can anyone dispute these claims:
> Microsoft Windows 2000 DNS vs. Bind 8.2
> 1. MS claims they support for secure dynamic update based on the
> gss-tsig algorithm and bind does not.

Recent Bind versions do.

> 2. bind does not support wins and wins-r records

Wins and wins-r had nothing to do with DNS. I don't see any reference to
these in the RFC. Samba supports both.
> 3. bind does not support utf-8 character encoding.

So ? As far as I know, it isn't oficially allowed.
> These are the claims.  Now I realize that thier comparison is
> with bind 8.2 and not 8.2.2p5.  The question is are the statements true
> for 8.2 and are they true for 8.2.2p5.
> My gut instinct says that at least for 8.2.2p5 they are not true.
> Here's the url reference (not you have to be running IE to see
> this page becuase MS has a javascript difference):
> Joe

Most people at M$ are a bunch of idiots that like to brag on how good
their products are. The only thing their good at is ripping of standards,
give those a little M$ tweak, and make an open standard propretary. 

Nice example is the Kerberos standard.

I would just wish they spend time making their products better.


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