reverse will not resolve from other DNS

Mathias Körber mathias at
Wed Oct 18 12:17:39 UTC 2000

> Hi all...
> Quick question.
> I have a delegated DNS that will not resolve an IP to name from any =
> DNS but mine. named.conf is setup to allow my 2 subnets to access the =
> via the options section and allows { any; } ; for the reverse for =
> zone.

Are you saying that any other client querying your nameserver will not =
be resolved,
or that the outside world will not be able to resolve your reverse zones =
(using their
own nameservers).

In the second case the reverse delegation could be bad/missing, but it;s =
hard to
tell w/o specific information. Why don't you post here your reverse =
domain and your nameservers?


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