dns cache

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Fri Nov 24 12:48:39 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Apple" == Apple  <noemail at noemail.com> writes:

    Apple> HI I am using Bind-9.0.1, and I want to view the dns cache
    Apple> for my cache-only sever

You can't. At least not yet.

    Apple> I tried kill -INT pid, but I still can not find the
    Apple> named_dump.db under /usr/tmp or /var/tmp

That kills the server

Nobody should use signals to "control" the name server. Ever. For
BIND8, use ndc in channel mode where it talks to the name server via a
(UNIX domain) socket. With BIND9, rdnc should be used. However the
command interface in rndc is feature-light: all that can be done is
reload the server. This will be corrected in a later release.

BTW, if you try setting the name of the cache dump file, current
releases of BIND9 warn you that this is not supported:
	option 'dump-file' is not yet implemented
This should give you a clue about getting a cache dump out of the

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