IXFR and 8.2.2-P7

Patrick Hull nethead at ti.com
Mon Nov 13 20:07:17 UTC 2000

In the CHANGES file that comes with 8.2.2-P7 it states:

        --- 8.2.2-P7 released ---

1048.   [bug]           ns_ctl_install() was corrupting the server_controls

1007.   [bug]           only set STREAM_AXFRIXFR if the original query is
                        an IXFR.

 982.   [bug]           rollback the compression pointers array when a
                        RRset/RR does not fit.

 962.   [bug]           another almost-complete rewrite of IXFR from kjd (462)
                        [incorporate ZXFR DoS fix from #962]

Does #962 and #1007 imply that a fully functional IXFR mechanism exists in P7
now, or am I reading too much into this?  Unless I've missed something, I
believe client-side was still disabled in P5, correct?  Is IXFR fully
functional in the 8.2.3 rc?


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