message "time warp"

Ralf Hildebrandt R.Hildebrandt at
Wed Mar 1 17:03:35 UTC 2000

Am 01.03.2000 um 09:16:46 -0300 schrieb Joaquim Eudes Mendes Gomide folgendes:

> What does the message below mean?
> Feb 26 22:59:06 dnsdois named[15150]: secondary zone "" time warp
> What kind of problem is it?

It means that the name server checked when the zone was last
updated, and that time was (will be?) in the future, which makes no sense.
This usually indicates that you've got some primitive time sync software
running, or someone recently reset the time with the date command.

Ralf Hildebrandt <R.Hildebrandt at>
Ah, young webmaster... java leads to shockwave. Shockwave leads to
realaudio. And realaudio leads to suffering. 

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