Bind interaction with NDC

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Jun 29 00:02:38 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark R Nathan <bind at> writes:

    Mark> I have a log error that is associated with running BIND and
    Mark> dont know what it means or how to correct it.  Can somebody
    Mark> PLEASE point me in the right direction.  I enjoy learning
    Mark> how to do things by myself but sometimes we all need a
    Mark> helping hand.

It looks like you're trying to run a name server process while one
already exists.

    Mark> unix control "/var/run/ndc" connect failed: permission denied

Simple. You don't have access permission to open the above file.

    Mark> ctl_server: bind: already in use 

The name you're trying to bind(2) to the control server is already in
use. This probably means another name server is already running,
though it could be that the control socket - typically /var/run/ndc -
was left lying around after the last time the name server exited.

    Mark> couldn't create pid file "/var/run/"

You don't have permission to create that file either.

Were you trying to run the name server as a non-root user?

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