bind-8.2.2.P5, solaris2.6

HO, Tom tho at
Wed Jun 28 07:45:01 UTC 2000


I am new

My DNS primary server is answer DNS queries for my domain, and 
it does a zone transfer to SECONDARY DNS servers reside in ISP. I 
am upgrading BIND to 8.2.2P5, The questions I have are;

1. Is it neccessary to have Named-xfer's library files installed in my
primary DNS to enable zone transfer to secondary servers reside in my ISP?
DNS Primary server.

2. After started DNS server a file as shown in the directory
"#/usr/local/bin/named/etc/ndc" what is it for ?
srw-------   1 root     root           0 Jun 28 16:46 ndc

3. "/usr/local/named/sbin/ndc" binary file is created after compiled
bind-8.2.2-p5. In the previous version I start DNS server by running shell
#./ndc -t /var/dns -u dnsuser -g dnsuser
what is the equivalent switches if I have to run "ndc" binary file?

As always thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards,
Tom Ho

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