Bind8 Dynamic DNS How-To?

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Jun 15 23:08:28 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Barry" == Barry Finkel <b19141 at> writes:

    Barry> At least the MS Win2k DDNS implementation checks for an
    Barry> existing CNAME in its pre-req packets 

That's good.

    Barry> (for DDNS updates for both forward and reverse zones, even
    Barry> though a CNAME will not appear in a reverse zone.)

Hmmm. CNAMEs in reverse zones are very common. RFC2317 is widely
implemented. [ - the reverse entry for my
computer - is a CNAME.] I wonder how DDNS implementations cope with
that? ie "If the reverse entry is a CNAME, follow it and replace or
update whatever that CNAME points at."

BTW, there's no rule that says only PTR records go in reverse zones.

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