More then one Master Server

Luis Camacho luis at
Tue Jun 13 17:11:37 UTC 2000

**Roger said

At the moment we has on Master Server and two Slave. Now we want extend
our Servers to two Master and four Slave (for redundant system).

Is it possibel to have more then one Master in Bind 8.2.2?? Ho goes the
synchronisation between this Masters ,and between Master -Slave.
What happen when one Master is gone?? The Slave's works with the Master
how remaining?? Is there no problem when one Master is gone
(synchronisation is'nt possible)

Is there an Manual to configure this configuration??

Thanks for more information

best regards

Roger Caspar

***I don't think so

The only major difference between a Master and slave is the name. (true
their are smaller differences)  Whether a server is a master or a slave
isn't the issue.  You can have 1 Master and 5 slaves.  If my machine needs
to contact one of your name servers it won't necessarily go to the master,
but could go to the slaves just as easily and get the same information.

machines don't care if they are talking to the master or the slave, they
just want the info.

I hope this is helpful


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