Dynameic DNS on 8.2.2-P% not saving changes

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Fri Jul 28 15:10:45 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Keith" == creedle76  <creedle76 at my-deja.com> writes:

    Keith> I do have bind running on this new machine and I
    Keith> can submit updates to it that are accepted into the DNS,
    Keith> however on this machine, the .log files are never created
    Keith> as they should be and I am trying to figure out why.  I
    Keith> have copied the zone and conf files over from the old
    Keith> machine to the new, with no avail.  Is there something that
    Keith> I need to change in a makefile before compiling?  Is there
    Keith> a certain argument to run named with to enable this
    Keith> feature? 

No. It's probably something obvious like an incorrect pathname (or
access permissions). Have you tried looking at your name server's
logs? BTW, dynamic updates are only done on the master name server -
and only then if the zone's SOA record is correct - so maybe the .log
files are not being created because the updates are going elsewhere?

    Keith> You mentioned TSIG
    Keith> authentication, is there a different way to allow updates
    Keith> other than how it is implimented in 8.1.2?

No. Well not with BIND anyway.

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