HELP: DNS configuration

Jim Reid jim at
Sat Jul 15 07:44:09 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Markus" == Markus Kohler <kohler at> writes:

    Markus> Hello, I tried to setup my computer as a small DNS server
    Markus> for my own little network with a forward of DNS requests
    Markus> to the DNSs of my internet providers. I did it like
    Markus> described in the dns-howto. The tests and everything
    Markus> worked fine.  Looking up names with nslookup works
    Markus> perfectly, as long as the computer is in the network. If
    Markus> it is outside and the computer is not connected to the IP
    Markus> it takes a long time until inetd recognizes that the
    Markus> computer is unreachable.

Presumably this is because applications are waiting for answers from
the name server that never come because the computer's not on the net.
Or maybe your resolver was configured to send queries to the network
interface that isn't alive when you're not connected to the Internet.
Unless you show the config files, it's hard to analyse your problem
any further.

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