Generate Reverse Deligations

Yury Peskin ypeskin at
Thu Jul 13 19:30:11 UTC 2000


At 5:28 AM -0700 7/13/00, Bill Manning wrote:
>% *sigh*
>% And, Bill, what do they return?
>	Nothing.  We waited until too late to have they actually
>	respond w/ real data. I'll be happy to retell the story
>	if there is an interest. It was quite painful.
>% The only name server that would be actually looking for a real, live,
>% operational name from a 10.*.*.* address or any other private internet
>% address would be one that's actually on one of them pesky private
>% internets.
>	/would/should/
>% Is that a fair statement?  ;-)
>	mostly.  the query rates are spiky, w/ peaks in the 8k/sec
>	range.
>% --
>% Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
>% COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
>% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>% This message is not an official statement of COSPO policies.

Yury Peskin
ypeskin at

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