win2k+unix, 4 basic questions

Farid Hamjavar hamjavar at
Tue Jul 4 23:01:34 UTC 2000


I have been monitoring win2k-unix-bind integration 
posts since late last year and we're currently 
doing test so we can start allow win2k boxes 
in our environment.

I have 4 questions which seem to be very basic 
but as I have had no exposure to MS-land, I am a 
bit confused now to put it all into perspective.

To allow to update a zone:

Is the following the only segment I need to
add to dns server's named.conf  ... ? Or 
there is more segments that goes with this?

zone "" in {
        type master;
        file "blahblah.db";
        check-names ignore;
        allow-update {; };

Am I correct to assume that will
negotiate with our dns server and 
update blahblah.db without human intervention?

where does SRV record come in to the picture?
Meaning that I am under impression that I need to create
something like this in one of our dns config files: IN SRV  1 1 2027

what is the "criteria" for defining the 
first part   of the SRV RR? I mean the "Service.Proto.Name" part.
Is there something "default" or the win2k administrator provide 
me with its description.

Service.Proto.Name TTL Class SRV Priority Weight Port Target

I guess that's it for now.
thank you,

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