After compiling BIND 8.2.2p5

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Jan 28 17:39:47 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Earl" == Douglas, Earl <edouglas at> writes:

    Earl> I have a machine (Solaris 2.6) that I use for compiling src
    Earl> files. My question is, once I've compiled BIND on this
    Earl> machine, how do I install BIND to another machine running
    Earl> the Same OS, that does not have the disk space nor the power
    Earl> to compile src files.

    Earl> The way I do it now is copy the necessary binaries over to
    Earl> the other machine and change the permissions accordingly.
    Earl> I know there must be a more correct way to do this without
    Earl> having to try to compile the src files on this under powered
    Earl> machine.

There isn't another "more correct way". By definition if you can't
compile the code on the other box, you have to copy the files to it
somehow. What you could do is put together a Solaris-style pkg with
all the BIND8 executables and stuff and use pkg_add to install this
"package" on your other Solaris systems. If you do that, please
contribute your package assembly/install/remove stuff to the ISC so
that it can be incorporated into the next BIND release.

OTOH, if you only install new DNS code very rarely and on a small
number of systems, it might be less labour-intensive to do this by
hand instead of building a package based solution.

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