Stupid question about DNS

Attico Nicola attico at
Thu Jan 27 21:18:07 UTC 2000

hello everybody,
I'm running Red Hat 5.2 on the computer in my office
and I was trying to understand how DNS works exactly.
So, I was quite surprised when I couldn't see some
daemon like named with the ps command. I also was not
able to find binary files and configuration files
I expected. On another computer, always with Red Hat 5.2
i saw with ps a process called (dns-resolver) that I
suppose to be my resolver, but on my PC nothing of that...
but DNS works correctly. So I suspect I'm doing some
stupid error. Why I've not something like named.conf?
Thanks in advance,

Nicola Attico					
Universita' degli Studi di Pisa			
Dipartimento di Fisica				
Piazza Torricelli, 2				
phone: +39 050 911259
E-Mail: attico at		
E-Mail: attico at

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