PTR delegation 16 IPs

Robert Gahl bgahl at
Wed Jan 19 15:38:21 UTC 2000

At 03:07 PM 1/19/00 +0000, Barry Margolin wrote:

>    Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 14:07:41 +0100
>    From: Christian Krackowizer <kra1 at>
>    When I setup a '' zone containing IP's 32-47, an
>    'arp -a' on the Secondary can resolve all addresses and shows the names.
>    Changing to '' zone containing the same IP's
>    cannot be resolved on the same machine !?
>    (in this short description I didn't mention all things like changing the
>    files, changing $ORIGIN, changing serial number, ndc reloads etc ...)
>Classless depends on the parent domain containing a bunch of
>CNAME records.  It's not enough that you have the
> zone on your server, the server for
> has to have a bunch of CNAME records that look
>32 CNAME 33.32-47
>33 CNAME 34.32-47
>and so on.

This question borders on answering something that has been plaguing me for 
some time. I have just upgraded to 8.2.2P5 from 8.1.2. While I thought I 
had a pretty good handle on reverse setups for partial class C's, I no 
longer believe I do. I've checked the FAQ's that came with 8.2.2P5 (hoping 
this is the FAQ everyone is referring to, but quite possibly, I am wrong in 
that assumption, but these docs seem to focus a lot on 4.x BIND).

At any rate, I have 32 addresses assigned to me, and I want to do the 
reverse for these (the ISP has said they will delegate). What I would like 
to know is:

a) the approved construction in /etc/named.conf (what does that entry 
actually look like).

b) the approved construction of the zone file.

The actual 32 addresses start at of which I am allowed to use 

The reason I no longer think I'm doing this correctly (and thus, starting 
from scratch once again) is that I seem to be able to get dig to work but 
not nslookup, or vice versa, but never both, and I think some of my 
confusion is in the file naming (or maybe the named.conf construction), but 
I'm not sure why.

This is probably a horrible newbie question, and I apologize. If there is a 
FM for me to R, then please provide a pointer and I'll go read it before I 
bother the list again.

Thanks for your time.

Bob Gahl Bicycle (Ryan Vanguard) Mobile  ||     @
     ARPA/Internet: bgahl at      ||  !_ \
    URL:     ||  (*)-~--+--(*)
"Sahn joong moe low ful how jee yah ching wong" - "When the
mountain has no tigers, the monkey will also declare himself
king." Chinese Proverb

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