ndc problem

Jim Tinlin jt at jumbo.surfari.net
Sun Jan 16 23:42:23 UTC 2000

Ever since I upgraded to the latest version of BIND, I've had this
problem...I've asked a few questions and looked around...but no one seems to
know why this happening.  I may have a clue and hope this will clarify the
problem and maybe someone can give me a clue what to do:

BIND starts and runs fine, however ndc doesn't.  When I first start BIND, I
get the following log

Jan 16 15:32:23 cachecow named[28906]: starting.  named 8.2.2-P5 Sat Nov 13
09:06:44 PST 1999
^Iroot at cachecow.surfari.net:/usr/local/updates/misc/bind/src/bin/named
Then all the zone files load, with no errors at all...then:

Jan 16 15:32:25 cachecow named[28906]: unix control "/var/run/ndc" connect
failed: Invalid argument
Jan 16 15:32:25 cachecow named[28906]: ctl_server: setsockopt(REUSEADDR):
Operation not supported on transport endpoint
Jan 16 15:32:25 cachecow named[28906]: ctl_server: bind: Address already in

This even happens when I re-boot the server.  Now here's the funny (?)
part...I took a look at the file that ndc creates in /var/run:

srw-------   1 root     root            0 Nov 12 08:10 ndc=

The date is the last date that I restarted BIND *before* I updated it...  I
compiled BIND on my server on 11/15...the above date is 11/12!  Now this is
probably the root of the problem, and how would I go about getting rid of
this file (I've tried a number of things...nothing 'simple' seems to do the
trick)???  If I get rid of this, I assume ndc will create another when it
starts...which is why it's not starting now...the ndc file already exists
(but it thinks someone else started it and won't continue).

If this all makes sense, I would appreciate any sort of feedback and/or
help.  Learning a lot as I go along, but it seems there's always a small
stumble here and there.  I thank you in advance for any input and insight,
this list has been most helpful to me!

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