How do I host my own website??

James Stafford jamess55 at
Sat Feb 26 15:54:28 UTC 2000

J Odell wrote:

> > There really is a reason why V.A. Linux, which does nothing but install
> > Linux onto very good hardware and ship it out, had the highest single
> > day gain for any first day of issue for a single stock EVER.
> it's the dynamics of the current stock market, not a technical issue.  look
> where LNUX is now.  what does that mean?  just about any internet or techmed
> stock is spectacular.
> if the user is comfortable and familiar with the windows way, i would say
> that leveraging the experience already gained would be good advice.  he
> already has all he needs to do what he wants.  why complicate it with new
> hardware and a very different way of doing things?
> i think your advice is bad advice.  you didn't even address the issue of the
> disparate file systems that you would need to do for full integration.
> >
Sorry but I couldn't resist this. Why was when Windows 2000 came out a
few days ago the stock market went down? According to the news report
investors feared, Win2000 was not ready for release, it cost to much,
and ect. 

just wondering,


"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, 
it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux."


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