TXT record

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Dec 28 10:27:52 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Kenneth" == Kenneth Porter <shiva at well.com> writes:

    Kenneth> I've seen mention of TXT records on the list recently,
    Kenneth> but have never encountered one. What are they for? (I
    Kenneth> know about SOA, NS, A, CNAME, PTR, MX, HOST, and
    Kenneth> LOC. Just not TXT.) Is there a doc somewhere (RFC?)  that
    Kenneth> lists all the kinds of records and what they are?

TXT records contain arbitrary strings. They can mean whatever the zone
owner chooses. One common use for a TXT record is the version control
identification string for the zone file. [Assuming you put zone files
under some sort of version control system like RCS or SCCS of course.]
TXT records are documented in RFC1035 which is pretty much required
reading for anyone setting up or maintaining a name server. There's no
one RFC listing all the record types and their formats.

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