Possible problem with root nameservers

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Tue Dec 19 17:26:10 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Harvey <rob at ukservers.net> writes:

    Robert> $dig @A.GTLD-SERVERS.NET www.ottosoft.com. +norecurse

    Robert> ;; ANSWER SECTION: 
    Robert> www.ottosoft.com.  2D IN A

    Robert> We are authoritative for the domain ottosoft.com and our
    Robert> zone files also have an A record for www.ottosoft.com but
    Robert> the IP address isn't the same as this one (the above
    Robert> address may have been an old address for this host).

    Robert> Is it possible the com. zone also has an A record for
    Robert> www.ottosoft.com? and if so, how can I get this removed?

The answer from dig answers your first question. An A record for
www.ottosoft.com in the .com zone is more than a possibility. In fact
one exists. This is the only explanation why that A.GTLD-SERVERS.NET
could give the answer it did. [Well I suppose there's a dim
possibility that this A record might have been in the root zone.] The
offending A record must have been supplied when someone submitted a
.com domain registration.

You'll need to get that glue record in the .com zone removed or
updated. Try filling in the host form off the "make changes" link on
the NetworkSolutions web site. Its URL is currently:


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