Temporary dns on a Partitioned Network

Martin McCormick martin at dc.cis.okstate.edu
Wed Dec 6 21:58:26 UTC 2000

Joseph S D Yao writes:
>But you have nothing about root's NS in your "root" zone!  Add
>.	86400	IN NS	x.cis.okstate.edu.
>Still, I'm not sure where your name server is hanging.

	Well, part of that was stupidity on my part.  I forgot to
copy all the zone files over from the working system, but that's
now fixed.  That let things get a little further along, but they
still aren't quite right.

	I put a root zone in /usr/local/etc/named.conf and it
almost works.  I forgot the root zone that is the very last part
of every named.conf file until I looked at the named.run output
which was produced if I started it with /usr/local/sbin/named
-d2.  The output reminded me nicely that zone "." can not be
redefined.  I took it out and tried again.  No luck.  I moved the
new root zone to the very last zone position where the cache
version of "." usually is and tried again.  It still almost

	While it is hung up, I can do nslookups against this
server and they succeed for all the domains that are defined.

my rootzone file looks like:


$TTL 86400
@       IN     SOA  x.cis.okstate.edu. martin.dc.cis.okstate.edu.  (
                                2000120603; Serial
                                    1802; Refresh
                                    901; Retry
                                  4838400; Expire
                                   43200 ) ;Minimum
.	86400	IN NS	x.cis.okstate.edu.
okstate.edu.  86400  IN   NS   x.cis.okstate.edu.
localhost.  86400   IN   NS   x.cis.okstate.edu.
0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA.  86400   IN   NS   x.cis.okstate.edu.
78.139.IN-ADDR.ARPA.  86400   IN   NS   x.cis.okstate.edu.
4.198.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA.  86400   IN   NS   x.cis.okstate.edu.
osuokc.edu.  86400   IN   NS   x.cis.okstate.edu.

	That's pretty much the whole pattern.

	The named.conf file defines all those zones and the new
root zone is presently placed at the end.

	Any other ideas?  The bind software is incredibly robust,
but I have succeeded in making it unhappy enough to not go fully
in to daemon mode.

Martin McCormick

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